Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ooligan to Release Oregon at Work

In April, Ooligan Press will release Oregon at Work: 1859-2009, by Tom Fuller and Art Ayre. The authors, a former KGW television reporter and state economist collaborated on the book as the state department of labor's official contribution to Oregon's 150th birthday celebration. Oregon at Work follows Oregon's past from the Oregon Trail pioneers to Nike and Intel.

Oregon at Work looks at timber, farming, banking, construction, technology, and commercial industries, as well as women's emerging roles in the labor force. The book includes personal stories from decendants of pioneers, immigrants, and laborers who have contributed to Oregon's cultural fabric.

An official launch party will take place on April 8th in Salem at the capitol building's rotunda.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I wonder what the unemployment rate was in 1939?